Finalis concordia in Seyton vs. Hedon and Danby, 1414, August 5. 2 Henry V.


Finalis concordia in Seyton vs. Hedon and Danby, 1414, August 5. 2 Henry V.

Award and judgment made at Rothewell on the Tuesday after the feast of St. Peter ad vincula, 2 Henry V, by Robert Veer, esq., and Laurence Dyne, on behalf of John Seyton, esq.; and by John Malory of Wynewyk, esq., and John Malory of Welton, esq., on behalf of Isabelle Hedon and likewise William Danby, all being chosen to arbitrate concerning a special assize of novel disseisin between the said Isabelle and John Seyton and William Gybbes, clerk, of the manor of Draughton (Norhants.) called "Hedon's manor" and also of all actions, etc., between the aforesaid Isabelle, John Seyton, and William Danby. The arbitrators arbitrate and adjudicate as follows: that William Danby is to release to John Seynton all his right in a yearly rent of 5 marks payable out of the aforesaid manor of D[r]aughton called "Hedon's manor" to William Danby for the life of the aforesaid Isabelle; and the same Isabelle is to release to the same John all her right in the said manor, except for the right which she has in a messuage and 1 acre of land on which she now lives, and which is recovered to her for her life, the said release to be made before the feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Mary next to come; and that John Seyton grants to Isabelle an annuity of 6 marks for her life, the annuity payable in three equal parts at Michaelmas, Christmas, and Easter, or the Nativity of St. John the Baptist; with covenant for distraint. And John Seynton is obliged, according to a certain written obligation [scripto obligatorio] of the statute of merchants, to pay £10 to the coram maiore in the town of Northampton - payable to Hugh Holt and William Berford and their executors. And the aforesaid William Danby should pay to the aforesaid Hugh and William Berford 20 marks in good English money, etc.

1 item : vellum ; 18 x 25 cm.

Related Entities

There are 9 Entities related to this resource.

Hedon, Isabella, fl. 15th century. (person)

Holt, Hugh, fl. 15th century. (person)

Malory, John, fl. 15th century. (person)

Seyton, John, fl. 15th century. (person)

Dyne, Laurence, fl. 15th century. (person)

Gibbs, William, fl. 15th century. (person)

Veer, Robert, fl. 15th century. (person)

Berford, William, fl. 15th century. (person)

Danby, William, fl. 15th century. (person)